For more than 20 Years, Cloud Computing has been the technology solution of choice for many businesses. The key benefits of moving to the cloud are seen in business efficiency and cost savings along with added competitive advantages. Traditional IT has proven to be partial in resolving today’s technology’s challenges. Cloud computing operates on a similar principle as web-based email clients, allowing users to access all of the features and files of the system without having to keep the bulk of that system on their own computers. In fact, most people already use a variety of cloud computing services without even realizing it. Gmail, Google Drive, TurboTax, and even Facebook and Instagram are all cloud-based applications. For all of these services, users are sending their personal data to a cloud-hosted server that stores the information for later access. And as useful as these applications are for personal use, they’re even more valuable for businesses that need to be able to access large amounts of data over a secure, online network connection.
For example, employees can access customer information via cloud-based CRM software like Salesforce from their smartphone or tablet at home or while traveling, and can quickly share that information with other authorized parties anywhere in the world.
Still, there are those leaders that are remaining hesitant about committing to cloud-computing solutions for their organizations. So, we’d like to take a few minutes and share 12 business advantages of cloud computing.